Monday, October 4, 2010

the competitive spirit

My piano class time was moved to a different day this year, so at the end of the class, I met the student after me.  She was about 14, and had studied piano for 4 years.  She played a few pieces for me when my teacher asked her to, and I thought she was eons ahead of me.  She had great control over the dynamics, played her scale exercises flawlessly, and could sight read without mistakes a piece that would have taken me a while to plow through.

Hmmm, competitive spirit awaken in me, and taketh me over.  This year I want want want to reach her level.  She is one grade above me, and has studied piano for as long as I have, so that means I have lost one year due to lack of enthusiasm.  For an entire year, I was playing only enough to get by (read: to avoid getting expelled).  I changed teachers, and I am so much more enthusiastic now.  The teacher makes a big difference.  Obviously this one knows me well enough to realize that a little competition is all I need.

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